JM Family Enterprises, Inc., a privately held company with over $18 billion in revenue, acquires National Truck Protection (NTP)

Winston Salem, NC – JM Family Enterprises, Inc., a privately held company with over $18 billion in revenue and more than 4,700 associates, recently made another significant investment in its growth strategy with the acquisition of National Truck Protection (NTP), a leading service contract provider in the medium-and heavy-duty used commercial truck industry servicing single […]

Brian Krawczyk, COO of NTP, speaks with Successful Driver Podcast

Brian Krawczyk, Chief Operating Officer at National Truck Protection (NTP), was a recent guest on Arrow Used Truck Sales “Successful Driver” Podcast series. Brian shares his experiences on how to be a successful driver and run a good business, including following a consistent preventative maintenance program and how having warranty coverage from a trusted provider […]

Truck Sales Podcast How to be a Successful Driver

“My suggestion on how to be a successful driver? You need a warranty on your truck!” In this week’s episode, we meet with Wade Bontrager, the CEO of National Truck Protection (NTP). Wade shares with us what he suggests drivers look for when choosing a truck warranty, including; components covered, conditions applied to the coverage, […]

Premium 2000+ Spring Newsletter

This issue of the Nice To Know News Spring 2021 Newsletter includes two ways to keep you on the road: 1) Provides “Do it yourself” tips for preventive maintenance 2) Shares some of the recently paid claims for our warranty holders This is just another way we help keep our warranty holder’s business running smoothly […]